
Can You Guess These Animals Just By Looking At Their Hands?

With a chicken getting a manicure, frogs playing dominos and a knitting crab a series of scarily surreal images have been created using the real limbs of dead animals
These bizarre images are part of an exhibition created using the feet and claws of dead animals by New York based couple photographer Davide Luciano and his food stylist wife Claudia Ficca. A solitaire-playing alligator, a lobster playing pool and a pig smoking a cigar are some of the creations by the pair of artists who have transformed human habits into the morbid pictures.
Can you guess the animals by looking at their claws/fingers/hands?

Smoking bacon: Deceased creatures take on human hobbies in this bizare photo series by New York based couple photographer Davide Luciano and his food stylist wife Claudia Ficca

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With a chicken getting a manicure, frogs playing dominos and a knitting crab a series of scarily surreal images have been created using the real limbs of dead animals
Lobster pot: Mr Luciano said the inspiration for Cold Feet came as the couple were taking a stroll in NYC's Chinatown, with the variety of animal feet sparking the idea
Mr Luciano added: 'From there the rest just came to life, Claudia and I thought of other activities the various animals could do - and created the scenes using props and animal limbs'
Can you guess which cold-blooded creature is playing cards? Here's a clue - after he has tried his hand at solitaire he might be up for a game of 'snap'

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