Kanyi Media derives its principal income from companies that advertise on the Kanyi Daily websites and social media channels.
Outlined below is a summary of the steps we take to maintain our editorial integrity with respect to advertising.
Editorial independence and integrity
Kanyi Media’s editorial and advertising departments are strictly separated.
Kanyi Media does not take payment in return for editorial coverage, adjust editorial content to meet advertisers’ wishes, or avoid subjects that may be sensitive for advertisers.
Transparency policy with branded content
Kanyi Media advertisements often take the form of branded content, whereby we create promotional videos, graphics, photography, and/or written stories paid for by the advertiser.
The editorial department plays no part in the creation or promotion of branded content.
Kanyi believes in the basic truth-in-advertising concept that it is deceptive to mislead consumers about the commercial nature of content.
Therefore, any branded content for which Kanyi receives payment will be clearly disclosed as such. This ensures that branded content will not be confused with editorial stories.
Kanyi Media’s branded content is also identifiable as such in the various channels it is released including native ads, newsletters, and social media.
In general, Kanyi follows the policy outlined by the United States FCC that advertising disclosure should be:
– In clear and unambiguous language;
– As close as possible to the native ads to which they relate
– In a font and color that’s easy to read;
– In a shade that stands out against the background;
– For video ads, on the screen long enough to be noticed, read, and understood; and
– For audio disclosures, read at a cadence that’s easy for consumers to follow and in words consumers will understand
Advertising acceptability
Kanyi Media reserves the right to decline any advertising offered, but we aspire to do so only for valid and compelling reasons.
As company policy, Kanyi Media will not publish advertisements that:
– Mislead, are inaccurate, deceitful, fraudulent, or illegal
– Use inappropriate content (violence, language, sexual)
– Refer to any product as the “best”, “top”, “greatest”, etc.
– Are discriminatory or gratuitously offensive on basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability
– Promote illegal materials or content
– Promote tobacco
– Promote prostitution
– Promote binge drinking
– Promote diet pills or other panacea
– Promote skin-whitening products
Kanyi believes in the right to advocacy and opinion advertising, and therefore accepts advertisements commenting on public, political or controversial issues. We accept these types of advertisements regardless of our editorial position on any given subject.
Kanyi Media will not accept advertisements that are attacks of a personal nature, or comment on private disputes. Kanyi does not make judgments on an advertiser’s arguments or conclusions.
Updated on November 10, 2019