It’s a couple of weeks from the end of the reality show, so the BBTitans housemates are intensifying their efforts with their strategies, constantly trying to...
In the Big Brother house, the BBTitans’ housemates get punished when they break rules, especially after being warned several times. A few days ago, The royals...
The BBTitans housemates must have been overly excited because of Valentine’s Day and all the goodies that came with it. Yesterday, Big Brother called out the...
The Saturday night party came with more fun and excitement this time around. From the class to the drinks, and lots of drama added to the...
Turns out there’s another love triangle in the BBTitans’ house that we might not have noticed. After the party on Saturday night, a lot happened. One...
It might seem that we have a BBtitans housemate that has her eyes on the prize. Olivia confronted Juicy Jay for “snitching” on her during their...
The housemates seem to be having so much fun with one another as most of them are starting to pick themselves in twos. This Ship this...