Patience Jonathan Had Uterine Fibroid Removed Not Appendicitis
Doctors at a German clinic performed a surgical procedure on Patience
Jonathan to remove uterine fibroids, a
presidency source said ..The source added that the fibroids might be
cancerous, even though he could not confirm it as German doctors are
reportedly conducting further tissue testing.
Mrs. Jonathan had traveled to
Dubai to have a procedure performed. She then Shurriedly returned to
Nigeria before she was airlifted to Germany for urgent medical care. We could not ascertain whether she had tried to have the fibroids
removed in Dubai, but other sources had disclosed that she developed an
infection in Dubai that necessitated her return to Nigeria and quick
evacuation to Germany. Mrs. Jonathan’s trip to Dubai and Germany had been covered in secrecy.
Sources close to the First Lady had also said that
her closest friend, Bola Shagaya, had convinced her to undergo some form
of cosmetic surgery to enhance her looks.
September 9, 2012 at 9:06 am
You people with gist. Wetin concern Bola Shagaya in this one?
September 9, 2012 at 9:43 am
The story makes no sense. Sugar coating! No surgeon will perform cosmetic surgery when fibroid is present. At the end we will still find out the true story and she should thank God she's still alive.