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President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe’s teenage son has been expelled from a top private school for gross indiscipline…Unruly Bellarmine Chatunga, 16, was removed from St George’s College after a history of run-ins with authorities and a week-long suspension for bad behaviour last year.
He was removed after a meeting last week during which staff and school administrators are said to have “agonised” over possible repercussions for their decision. A school source said: “It’s a case of power corrupts early.”
His expulsion follows that of Mugabe’s elder son Robert, now 21 – nicknamed the “undertaker” by his father for his six ungraded A-Levels – who was expelled from the same school eight years ago.
Robert Mugabe is a tyrant who has ruled Zimbabwe for over 25 years.
James Melbin
February 5, 2013 at 8:17 pm
This is so Oodd! dey no even fear what the presido go do! I trust jonah!
February 5, 2013 at 11:20 pm
Tyrants begat tyrants…