The Obamas Celebrate Their 19th Anniversary
On October 3, 1992, America’s First Couple was born.
Barack and Michelle Obama were married 19 years ago today. They celebrated by going out to dinner at Restaurant Eve in Virginia. Smooth, POTUS.
Here’s what Michelle said when reflecting on how they first met: “He
sounded too good to be true,” she told David Mendell, author of “Obama:
From Promise to Power.” “I had dated a lot of brothers who had this kind
of reputation coming in, so I figured he was one of these smooth
brothers who could talk straight and impress people. So we had lunch,
and he had this bad sport jacket and a cigarette dangling from his
mouth, and I thought: ‘Oh, here you go. Here’s this good-looking,
smooth-talking guy. I’ve been down this road before.’ “
Little did she know, she’d be walking down the road to the White House. Black love lives, people.